How it works for Sellers

Free Registration

If you have a business and you are interested in featuring your products on GroceryPik, please register your store by filling the form at the link “Get your store listed” on our website.

Showcase Your Products

GroceryPik will beautifully showcase your store name, logo and products that are going to reach massive potential online customers. Put your store in the spotlight, boost visibility and maximize sales

Manage Your Store from Mobile App

Manage your stocks, prices and orders from GroceryPik seller dashboard or mobile app. It is that simple.

We take care of the rest

While you focus on growing your business, we take care of marketing, customer care, deliveries, returns and payment collection.

Get Paid into Your Bank Account

Your E-Wallet on GroceryPik is instantly credited with every order fulfilled and paid into your bank account on weekly basis so that you don’t need to keep track of revenue or follow-up Sounds good? Get in touch today by registering your store on GroceryPik! The fastest and easiest way to get your store online without any extra investment

Best Prices & Offers

Cheaper prices than your local supermarket, great cashback offers to top it off.

Wide Assortment

Choose from 15,000+ products across food, personal care, household & other categories.

Easy Returns

Not satisfied with a product? Return it at the doorstep & get a refund within hours.